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Friday, February 23, 2007
posted by jason | 9:30 PM | permalink
Brody File has the scoop:
Out of all the Presidential contenders that showed up, Mitt Romney had the biggest turnout. An Evangelical leader who was inside the meeting told me that about 150 people showed up and that he received a "tremendous reception". About 100 people showed up at the McCain event. 80 for Brownback. This person tells me though that what's interesting is that the McCain and Brownback events were at the hotel where NRB was holding their convention. The Romney event was off site, about 2 miles away and he still drew the biggest crowd.
Really, this is reasonable to me. I drove through the middle of the night from Chicago to Detroit to live blog the official kick-off. 2 miles is nothing to see the next president.
I'm told that Romney was questioned firmly on the abortion question and his answers were not sound bite oriented. He actually gave detailed answers which were described as candid and honest. The topic of judges came up too and the war on terror. Judge Charles Pickering was there and he had questions for Romney as well.
Romney is honest and candid, he's a spectacular candidate. What's great about Romney is not only his ability to appeal to the social conservatives, but he has a hard line on terrorist and by far the keenest economic mind.

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