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Friday, February 23, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 8:32 PM | permalink
bush, romneyMany thanks for reader Glenn for pointing us to this article.

Today, Elanor Clift, the wily leftist pundit, pens a quick piece entitled: "The Christian Right's Dream Candidate". She's speaking of Jeb Bush.

A lot of people believe that Jeb could win the primary and the general election handily if it weren't for one big handicap, his last name.

She notes that the debate is still out for who the Christian Right will choose, but the chosen successor for the Bushes?
The Bush family seems to be moving its chips to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Several of Jeb’s gubernatorial staffers have signed on with Romney, and Jeb’s sister, Doro Bush Koch, is cohosting a fund-raiser for him. Mom and Dad are reportedly telling friends he’s a fine man and the class act in the race. With front runner John McCain faltering and Rudy Giuliani an unlikely fit with Republican primary voters, Romney looks like the Bush Dynasty’s best bet.

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