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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
posted by jason | 12:25 PM | permalink
OK, the guy is not the nominee, he's not VP and he is refusing to even take a cabinet position (good for him!) should McCain win, but the MSM assisnation squads are still working overtime to drag him down. The latest:

Boston Globe still trying to find any window in it's use of the flip flopper label:

"Mitt Romney, responding to reporters' questions about sex education policy in the aftermath of the news that Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant, told reporters he had always thought abstinence should be part of a comprehensive sex education curriculum.

...But in 2006, as then-Governor Romney prepared to enter the Republican presidential primary, he announced with great fanfare that he would redirect money from a federal abstinence education grant -- money that had the state had been using to promote abstinence within comprehensive sex education programs and in PSA's -- into school programs that taught abstinence alone.

What's really amazing about this is that leaves Eric Fehnstrom's clarifying quote for an update, happy to let an untrue article stand:

Eric Fehrnstrom says Romney's position on sex education has never changed and that all of the schools in Massachusetts with abstinence-only programs, he said, also had comprehensive sex ed programs.

Shoot first, ask questions later, eh?
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