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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 4:43 PM | permalink
The co-chair of Fred Thompson's South Carolina campaign laid into Mitt's Mormonism on the eve of Romney's speech on religious liberties. Cyndi Mosteller, who has gotten in hot water previously for Mormon bashing, pulls no punches in an interview with the Palmetto Scoop:
TPS: Why do you think it is that Republicans, the previous issue aside, might be reluctant to support a Mormon president, such that Romney feels he needs to give a speech addressing just this issue?

CYNDI MOSTELLER: I think the doctrines of Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism are so vastly different from the Mormon doctrine; from the concept of polygamy being the order of Heaven, to human man’s progression to godhead of other worlds, to the idea that Jesus had multiple wives, to the idea that, after the death of the last apostle, all of Christendom was in apostasy – with a capital “A” as the Church refers to it – until Joseph Smith discovered the golden plates in the 1830s. So I think it’s inconsistent with so many basic Christian doctrines and it’s very unusual to the point that it’s almost unbelievable. These concepts are things that are theologically beyond our orthodox imagination.
Orthodox imagination? Regardless of what Miss Mosteller believes about Mormons vs. Christianity (and she gets some Mormon doctrines and history FLAT WRONG in the interview), how does she make the leap from doctrinal disagreements to dissing Romney because he's not orthodox enough?

I suppose if I accused Catholics of "ritual cannibalism" I could put the traditional Mass in a bad light for anyone and diss Rudy.

If I accused Baptists of worshiping a disembodied God who is everywhere and nowhere at the same time I might be able to peel away a few members from the fold and stop people from voting for Huckabee.

I won't do this because its nonsensical and can only lead to one thing, the left dissing all of us:

Will the Thompson campaign condemn this?

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Yes, let's all start bashing each other's religion in the media. That would be exactly what Jesus would do. I suppose that since Thompson's campaign is pretty much dead, he may not mind trying to take someone down with him. It will be interesting to see if he apologizes or not.

"...Jesus had mulitple wives"? You've got to be kidding me?! There is NO WHERE in LDS Doctrine about this! PERIOD!

Talk about making things up about other people's religions and their beliefs....she is outragious!

Furthermore, polygamy is NOT the order of Heaven in LDS Doctrine! What a looney this woman is!

As an Evangelical AND an avid Mitt Romney supporter, I would like to add that the cartoon pic at the end is un-called for. Just as it's unfair for Evangelicals to ridicule Mormons, it's also unfair for Mormons to ridicule Evangelicals.

Bryton, did you read the post? The context of the cartoon is that if Evangelicals rip on Mormons in a political context it will only give fodder for these kinds of cartoons.

In fact, this is precisely the thesis of Hugh Hewitt's book A Mormon in the White House? People who disqualify Mormons exclusively because of a religious test should beware. The rhetorical weapons they legitimize by excluding Romney because of his faith will be used in short order by the secular left against their political legitimacy because of their 'strange' faith.

This cartoon is an example of the inconsistency of the position, and the inevitability of this blowback that will happen from the left.

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