posted by Justin Hart | 6:41 AM |
News round-up for this important event in bullet format:
- Let's note at the outset here. This will not be about Mormonsim. Rather it will address religious liberties.
- Jonah Goldberg asks his readers for any logical reason why Mormon doctrines would preclude Romney from being President. Silence.
- Instead, some of his readers worry that electing Romney will somehow validate Mormonism and give momentum to the Mormon church. He concludes: "No one has made the case"
- The political air is being sucked out of any other campaign right now as campaigns admit: "Romney owns the week"
- Hugh Hewitt points out the media coupe that Romney commands with thousands of people watching, no other candidates, George H.W. introducing you, and a warm receptive audience to boot.
- Article IV blog is on top of this thing like no one else.'
- Mark Tapsott takes issue with the venue. He offers no alternatives. The reason for the "secular" setting is pretty easy: You can't use a Catholic setting, there is not central Evangelical command, the Baptists are in a schism, can't be Methodist, Unitarian, or Episcopal. Some have suggested a theological seminary setting... but even that has its own politics. In short, things have changed dramatically since the days of JFK. K-Lo's cool on the setting.
- Richard Brookhiser had this to say: The history of Mormonism in America is a story of social and political success, for Mormons and non-Mormons alike. From the grimmest beginnings—the lynching of Joseph Smith, the Mountain Meadows massacre—orthodox Mormons have been ordinary decent citizens for over a century, and other Americans have recognized as much. I hope Romney instructs the ignorant, and holds the bigots, right and left, to shame.
- Stay tuned. More to come.
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