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Sunday, December 30, 2007
posted by Anne | 5:49 PM | permalink
AP does a hit piece on Mitt. I read this story and thought it was a stretch--supposedly Mitt has a candor gap. John Hinderaker, Powerline has noted this reporter before, and takes this latest piece apart. Hinderaker concludes Mitt Romney is an "extraordinarily honest man".
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Huck's response to the so-called attack ads just shows what a ham handed buffoon he is.He should have just conceded the facts saying he had valid reasons for all of it. Instead he has tried to turn it around and attack Romney personally.Dishonest is just not a word that is going to stick to Mitt.And what a case of the pot calling the kettle black given his record of pocket lining while Go. of Ar. There is no logical,objective reason to support the Huckster if you are a conservative.He's a walking attack ad coming from the dems if he got the nomination.His in your face religious positions,while helping him some in Iowa is just not something that most conservatives want as a centerpeice of their campaign. Mitt will restore the GOP's moral standing in the country.

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