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Saturday, December 1, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:11 PM | permalink
It's somewhat ironic to me that Huckabee was able to trim his figure while governor while not able to do the same to his state budget. Indeed, there could be some funny jokes made using Huckabee, the state budget, and many of the common euphamisms for spending. I'll let your mind work out a few options.

Besides waistlines and state bottom lines, there is a world of difference between Romney and Huckabee. From the AP:
Mitt Romney loves statistics. The former venture capitalist pours over charts and grafs. He analyzes situations and data from every angle. It's little wonder, then, that as he campaigns for president, the Republican sometimes shows his wonkish side.

Huckabee is the opposite:
Mike Huckabee is the easygoing ex-governor of Arkansas who charms his audiences with homespun stories of growing up in a family of modest means while sprinkling in broad policy stances under the themes of patriotism and core values. The former Southern Baptist minister tends not to dwell on the details of policy matters, choosing instead to tug on his audiences' heart strings.

So is this just a contract in style? On the surface it might seem that Romney is wonkish, while Huckabee is a smooth-talker, both with equal substance behind the facade. However, I think that Huckabee's style hides his lack of depth.

Quick, name me the last policy proposal that Huckabee has generated? The fair tax you may say? We can hardly credit Huckabee with the proposal. Besides, does he even know how it would work specifically? Yes, he says it is fairer, flatter, and family friendly, but what does that mean? Who decided it was those things? And how much good will it do for use if it won't ever be passed?

OK, next policy proposal? I'll just wait here patiently...........Still waiting............still waiting. I think you get my point. But you might say that we don't need new ideas, just old ones that get done. That may be, but is Huckabee really the man to get stuff done? Is that his platform: competence?

Huckabee is what I call an issue-candidate. We have several issue-candidates in the race this year. Tancredo is an issue-candidate on immigration. John McCain is an issue-candidate on the war. Mike Huckabee is an issue-candidate on life. Beyond that we get little if anything from him (or any of the others on topics other than their issue).

Mitt Romney, on the otherhand, is a complete candidate. As he's been arguing for months, we need a BROAD coalition of conservatives from three major camps: economic conservatives, foreign policy conservatives, and social conservatives. Mitt Romney would effectuate policies for all three camps. Huckabee would attempt to make a solid, balanced, three-legged stool into a hopping pogo-stick. Much in the same way that Rudy Giuliani would leave the traditional conservative coalition missing key elements, Mike Huckabee would alienate key constituencies. Romney is the only candidate who embraces and would further the interest of all three groups.

Additionally, Romney IS running as a candidate of competence. As his ads routinely reiterate, he's done it in business, at the Olympics, and as Governor of Massachusetts. He can point to specific policies that he enacted, a budget crisis he saved, and a vigorous fight for life and marriage that he led. For all of Huckabee's talk on life, he's never had to fight for it. He hasn't had to stare down the legislature in fighting to keep gay marriage out of his state. Romney has. Romney led.

To be sure, Huckabee is a forceful and engaging personality, but is that all we get? Where's the beef? Where's the substance? I, for one, am not convinced that there is any.


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Up-Chuck-abee's campaign isn't a one issue campaign based upon his opposition to abortion as you would suggest. It is a one issue campaign based upon his feeling that he is a "Christian." In fact, from what Up-Chuck-abee says, it's almost as though he believes that he is the only Christian running.

I think that the most annoying part of Wednesday's debate was when Up-Chuck-abee, in one of the most Holier-than-Thou and spiritually condescending remarks in modern American political history, tried to interrupt Rudy Giuliani when Giuliani started to answer the question about his belief in the Bible. As if Huckabee is somehow the divine moral authority on the issue! Just because he went to Bible College doesn't mean that Giuliani can't answer the question himself. Plus, I don't care what Up-Chuck-abee thinks when it comes to what Giuliani should think about the Bible. Believing in the Bible is a private matter. That question should have never been permitted in the debate, but worse than that was Huckabee.

I'm sick of Up-Chuck-abee’s "I'm a better Christian than you" attitude. A few of his numerous examples of this include his: I'm a "CHRISTIAN LEADER" advertisement, his refusal to say whether or not he believed that although Romney had said that Christ was his personal savior that Romney was indeed a Christian, his telling a fellow Arkansas Republican who opposed illegal immigration that he drank from a “different Jesus juice” than Up-Chuck-abee did, and Up-Chuck-abee’s condescending "Let me tell you about the Bible" diatribe directed toward Rudy at the YouTube debate. I cannot even describe to you how sick of Up-chuck-abee I am, but it's amazing that the thought of Up-chuck-abee being President of the United States is an instant cure to Bush fatigue and makes me wish the 22nd Amendment would have been repealed in order to keep "CHRISTIAN LEADER" out of the White House.

It’s ironic that Romney has said that he is not running for “Pastor-In-Chief” but that seems to be exactly what Up-Chuck-abee is running for. Even when Pat Robertson ran for President, he didn’t pretend to be running as “President of the Christians.” Not only do I wonder what Mike Up-Chuck-abee plans on doing with all of the people who don’t claim to be Christians but what about all of the others who he aren’t “Christian enough” for him.

Venezuelans should vote against Hugo Chavez becoming the lifetime communist dictator of Venezuela today. And in a few weeks Iowans need to VOTE NO ON MIKE UP-CHUCK-ABEE - THE SELF-APPOINTED “CHRISTIAN LEADER!”

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