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Saturday, November 17, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 3:23 PM | permalink

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I think we should tread carefully with this "poll-gate".

I'm as anxious as the next guy to send the message religious bigotry isn't acceptable in presidential politics.

Wouldn't a push poll involve large numbers like thousands trying to turn the tide of popularity?

However i could find it somewhat reasonable that Romney could perhaps pro actively solicit people with the few typical anti-Mormon messages to find what the response is.

If this turned out to be a like a war-games type scenario, I for one would find it refreshing to hear a politician with proactive contingency plans. (other then Clinton's)

Of course scoring victim points fly's great in liberal circles but conservatives have no such stomach for it especially if they seem to be self inflicted.

anyway just a careful thought, we sure dont want mitt to get "brainwashed" out like his father

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