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Friday, November 16, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:55 PM | permalink
UPDATE: Just spoke to my Western Wats source (a senior employee at the firm).
  • He said the notion that this is Romney-driven is “nonsense” and “ridiculous”.
  • He did not confirm or deny that the calls came from his firm.
  • His company employs 1500 people with centers is Idaho, Nebraska, Utah, and numerous other states.
  • He also indicated that this is being blown way out of proportion. He thinks if the details came out people would scratch their heads wondering what the big deal was.

OK. So, let's review the last 24 hours:
That's where we are. In short,
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He thinks if the details came out people would scratch their heads wondering what the big deal was.

How would he know this if his company wasn't involved? Isn't this a tacit admission that they made the calls?

My guess is that a campaign (Huckabee?) hired Western Wats to conduct a legitimate survey (not a push poll) of message testing. I'm thinking he's gauging whether he ought to more overtly go after Romney and his religion. This will prove to be a misstep by him, but not dirty politics. It will still reflect badly on him even if it is just message testing. Just the fact that he his thinking about having a 527 attack Romney about his religion is a killer for his campaign.

I'm so glad you are on top of this. When sites like Hot Air & others are running with speculation, getting to the truth quickly is imperative!

Off to check out HH's post. Thanks!

Donna L.

what a propagandist website this is! what a joke!

... i called an unnamed senior person! LOL~! they told me what i wanted to hear!


You really think a rival candidate is going to hire a Mormon-owned firm to do anti-Mormon push polling? This whole think sounds like a classic piece of political theatre aimed at making Romney look like the victim of religious bigotry. Romney knows that the Mormon issue is killing him, and he's increasing desperate to get it off the table.

This gambit not only didn't work, it's going to backfire.

Mitt Romney is a racist, nationalist, and homophobic person who will set back our country to the ages of pre-civil rights. If he gets elected- i'm moving to Canada. Vote Obama or Hillary to save our country.

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