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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 5:10 PM | permalink
"Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated"

I knew it would happen when I pulled the trigger. I knew that Soren, Dotan, Flap and others would try to make hay out of the act. And they did. They did so for propaganda. They did so with a bit of vitriol. They did so without asking me to clarify why.

First know this, I am still very much here and will be blogging non-stop for Mitt. All I did was simply remove my name from the Faith and Values Steering Committee so that Soren, Dotan, Flap and others could not use it as a weapon against me.

You see again and again, they have implied that my efforts were campaign sanctioned, that I was an "agent of the Romney campaign" and a "campaign official". All of this was hyperbole to fashion clubs against Romney and belittle my hard hitting specifics negating all the silliness out there.
So, now they used my self removal to imply:
  1. I worked for the campaign (false)
  2. I resigned because of the current controversy (false)
  3. The Romney campaign kicked me out (false)
  4. I'm part of some Romney cabal secretly positioning my candidate through deceit to take over the world (hilarious)
I'll have one final post for the Thanksgiving weekend.
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Its a shame you had to put up with that, Justin. Keep fighting the good fight. Happy Thanksgiving!

Um, turns out that the staffers who your man Mitt connected to the Salt Lake Tribune were paid campaign employees. Not only did no one disclose it to the newspaper, but one of the staffers lied about her status.

She told the newspaper that she was "leaning" toward Romney but that she hadn't decided yet. That staffer, Marshan Roth, of Fairfield, Iowa, is actually on Romney's payroll.

So tell us, did she lie? Did Mitt lie? Or does it all depend on what IS is?

Sounds to me like either she lied, may be changing her mind, or may feel it was too private an issue to declare to a newspaper. I believe the woman is in her seventies. Give her a break. As far as Mitt me where it happened. I don't see it.


Your comments are as meaningful as your name. Next time get the guts to run under an alias other than "anonymous", or shall I say "a-no-name-mouse".


At least, you know you have had (and still do) quite an influence on swapping people to come to our side to support Mitt! Thank you for all you have done for the future of this country by getting it the leader it sorely needed, Justin!

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