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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:57 PM | permalink
Here is the audio from the Hugh Hewitt show. Don't adjust your browser. I really do speak that fast:

QUICK IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION. In the audio it sounded like I confirmed that Mormons believe the Book of Mormon to be more important than the Bible. The audio actually cut out. I said "this is UNtrue". Just to be clear :)

So, lets review.

1) There is ZERO evidence linking TargetPoint the anti-Mormon calls
2) TargetPoint VEHEMENTLY denies they are behind the calls
3) As I indicated on Hugh’s show… I asked my source about Gage’s denial. His response: “Yeah, we knew it wasn’t them already.”

Today. Mark Hemingway attempted to apologize and wiggle out of a untenable corner defending a theory that has been refuted on every side you turn to.

Late tonight, and to their credit, Kathryn Lopez from NRO admits: "Mark noted some interesting publicly available connections Monday but there is no real evidence I've read that the Romney campaign had anything to do with it."

Then, RedState issues a non-retraction, failing to apologize to Gage & Company for maligning their integrity. To boot, they add another theory to the pot.

Here's the quote of the day from RedState: "we should not be afraid to ask a very plausible question based on, if nothing else, real world experience in politics: did a friend of the candidate hit him in a well meaning but misguided effort to help him?"

So, we can dismiss any evidence that's not there and instead rely on RedState's "real world experience". What?

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Heard you on Hugh Hewitt! Great job!! This is my first time visiting this site (After hearing about in Hugh Hewitt). I'm glad you clarified the comment about Mormonism and the Bible. You're right, it did sound like you said "true." You had me a little concerned, but I'm glad you clarified. I'll be back. Keep up the great work.

Fantastic job, I'm glad you were able to articulate the issues at play so well. It will be interesting if anyone does eventually own up to this. I won't hold my breath. This story is getting a little play over at CNN. Again, Thanks for the work you do.

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