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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
posted by jason | 11:37 AM | permalink
I don't see how the Giuliani and McCain announcement will beat this:
New Beginnings church hasn’t endorsed anybody in the 2008 presidential race, but God probably has, pastor Larry Huch said Sunday.

..."“I believe that Sen. Huckabee is the David that you’ve brought in to be a head over this nation’s house,” Huch said, misstating Huckabee’s political rank. “And Father, I ask for the blessing on him, on his family, on their campaign, that you will keep them safe, you will give them wisdom, that you will give him favor, for he is giving you all the praise and all the glory.”
Apparently this was welcomed by Huckabee:
The crowd, some of them wearing yarmulkes, cheered noisily after Huch’s declaration, and they later stretched their hands toward Huckabee as they prayed for campaignseason [sic] favor from heaven.
OK folks, let's regather here. Huck stands as a near object of worship, adulation and affection; seemingly accepting the pronounced edict of God's blessing on his campaign.

Lets change some names. Let's replace Huckabee with Romney, Hutch with President Hinckley, and New Beginnings with the LDS Church and see how it plays:
"The LDS Church hasn’t endorsed anybody in the 2008 presidential race, but God probably has, President Hinckley said Sunday."

“I believe that Gov. Romney is the David that you’ve brought in to be a head over this nation’s house,” Hinckley said...“And Father, I ask for the blessing on him, on his family, on their campaign, that you will keep them safe, you will give them wisdom, that you will give him favor, for he is giving you all the praise and all the glory.”
I think we get the point. This would never happen. A list of Questions:

1. Will the MSM carry this to any effect?
2. Did Huckabee in fact accept this messengerial endorsement? Sure seems like it.
3. Since the only way this guy could know if God endorsed Huckabee would be God telling him, How come God didn't tell him he was a Governor and not a Senator?

About a year ago the Boston Globe did an pseudo-investigation into a letter written by Ned Hill sent on BYU letterhead asking fellow BYU friends to help out with Romney. The Globe tried to pin it as LDS Apostles where holding secret meetings with Romney's advisers. The upfront story was the LDS church was seceretly working for the Romney campaign. The read between the lines story was the affect on the LDS Church's IRS tax exemption. I think the Boston Globe had sincerely hoped they would loose it. They ran several articles with very little proof other than emails from an over anxious supporter.

So the real question should be: does Huckabee get the same type of coverage, or will the MSM once again show it's utter bias?

H/T: Evangelicals for Mitt
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So, if Huckabee loses, does that mean the electorate rejected God's chosen President? Would we all be sinners? Interesting implications. Hopefully, the candidate God has endorsed won't mess up because I don't even want to think about what that might say about God's omniscience.

I posted a comment several hours ago. I don't see it post. Was oit because it was negative?

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