posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:33 AM |

I got to listen in on a conference call this morning announcing the launch of a
new website devoted to Mitt’s loving spouse, Ann Romney. The website is a mix that reflects Ann’s personality, with sections about Ann’s causes (like MS), Ann’s recipes, and AnnTV (not to be outdone by her husband’s MittTV).
A few questions were asked to Ann, starting with a question from Jennifer Rubin about stem cell research. Ann talked about her own “soul searching” on the issue, ultimately finding the creation of life for the purpose of experimentation to be an “ethical line in the sand” that she would not cross. Rubin has a fuller account of the exchange
Asked about the new media (i.e. the humble blog you are now reading), Ann talked about the positive of allowing more people to get to know the candidates (and herself), but also being open to more scrutiny and criticism.
In all, Ann is almost a perfect match for her husband; personable, sincere, and (like her husband) supremely capable. That she has been given her own website shows the value that she is to Mitt’s campaign.
Labels: ann romney
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