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Saturday, August 11, 2007
posted by Dave | 2:51 PM | permalink
Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Many Mitt supporters, including Jason and Justin, are themselves Mormons. I am not. I am a Methodist, and a strong Mitt supporter. Which is why it is best that I do this post.

THIS MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. It is wrong in every sense of the word. Standing there and proclaiming that you know what Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, would do is the highest form of blasphemy I can think of. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

From the Boston Globe:

An Iowa Christian group is circulating flyers at today's straw poll urging people not to vote for Mitt Romney, the strong favorite in today's straw poll, because he is a Mormon.

"we strongly believe that Jesus Christ, if he were alive in the flesh in this time and voted, would NEVER vote for Mitt Romney under any circumstances," the flyer says. "Mitt Romney represents Mormonism which is counterfeit Christianity, a cult."

The flyer goes on to cite a list of reasons as to why Christians should not pick a Mormon for president.

On the flip side, it also advises Christian voters to stay away from Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, John McCain and Fred Thompson because "they can NEVER make a strong case for strong families or for strong Christian values."

Richard Green, a retired pastor from Council Bluffs, Iowa, who was passing out the flyers in one of the convention center parking lots, identified himself as a member of U.S. Christians for Truth, which he said was a group of current and retired pastors in Council Bluffs. He said he was not affiliated with any of the candidates and had not yet decided who he would support in the straw poll.

The flyer is by far the most vitriolic anti-Mormon piece we've seen so far out here in Iowa; Romney aides said they had not seen anything like it.

"Negative attacks are commonplace in the political arena," said Peter Flaherty, Romney's point man for conservative outreach. "But there should be no place for religious bigotry."
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Sad, but not unprecedented. When Adam Smith accused of not being a Christian he responded by saying, “Ye will say, I am no Christian: I say Ye are no Christians: and there the Account is ballanced. Yet I believe all the honest men among you, are Christians in my Sense of the Word."

In John F. Kennedy’s famous speech, he complained about people passing out religious tracks that misrepresented his religion in order to get people to not vote for him.

I believe it’s these kind of things that lead Jimmy Carter to say, "Too many leaders now, I think, in the Southern Baptist Convention and in other conventions, are trying to act as the Pharisees did, who were condemned by Christ, in trying to define who can and who cannot be considered an acceptable person in the eyes of God. In other words, they're making judgments on behalf of God. I think that's wrong."

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