posted by jason | 4:29 PM |
Eric Dondero at
Mainstream Libertarian has an interesting article about a Libertarian site encouraging people to vote for Romney.
In 1994, Senatorial candidate Mitt Romney was endorsed and heavily backed by the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus in his race against Ted Kennedy. More recently Romney made a very libertarian statement to the AP on pornography:
"I am not pursuing an effort to try and stop adults from being able to acquire or see things I find objectionable; that's their right. But I do vehemently oppose practices or business procedures that will allow kids to be exposed to obscenity."
Now at least one Web Blog is urging Libertarians to consider supporting Romney. The site Independent Libertarian Spirit is appropriately Christian libertarian.
For certain Mitt has one thing libertarian Ron Paul does not have: A chance.
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