There's been a bit of discussion comparing Mitt Romney to Phil Gramm. Most recently
tries his hand at it.
Why Mitt Romney Isn’t Phil Gramm - The Conclusive Decision
1. Phil Gramm raised $19 million total for his entire campaign, in an era where there were no limits on campaign donations. Indeed, much of that ($4.1 million) was raised in one night by hitting up huge corporate donors. In contrast, Mitt Romney has raised $21 million in just three months, and people were limited to a maximum contribution of $2,300 - meaning Romney has a much larger and much more grass roots base of support.
2. Phil Gramm’s campaign was well known and well maligned for its deficits in the areas of structure and intellect. In contrast, Romney’s campaign thrives on those very two areas.
3. Phil Gramm often trailed his opponents by 30-40 points in the polls, and sometimes nearly 50 points. In contrast, Romney is polling within 15 points nationally according to Rasmussen, is within 3-17 in Iowa according to who you ask, and is within 6-7 or tied for the lead in New Hampshire according to different polls.
4. Phil Gramm constantly misspoke about the abortion issue during his campaign, a la Rudy Giuliani, saying that although he was pro-life, he wouldn’t make that a part of his campaign, earning the ire of socons everywhere. He even hired pro-choice staffers. In contrast, Mitt openly talks about abortion and his pro-life conversion and recognizes its importance in the race.
5. Phil Gramm ran as a fiscal conservative, but was maligned by his opponents, the Democrats, and the media for bringing home huge amounts of pork for his homestate of Texas (as well as his own actual bragging about how much he was bringing in for TX). In contrast, Mitt Romney is running as a fiscal conservative who governed fiscally in Massachusetts and is known as a waste-eliminator.
6. Phil Gramm suffered several scandals coming to light during the campaign, including his “unknowingly” funding a porn production to the tune of $7,500 and being involved in some very shady quid pro quo Savings and Loans deals. In contrast, Mitt Romney is known as the squeaky clean candidate in this race - the worst dirt anyone has on him is that he once donated $250 to a Democrat in a primary campaign.
7. Phil Gramm was known as harsh and cutthroat during his Senate tenure and on the campaign trail, and was known to berate his staff and his aids. In contrast, Mitt Romney is personable, charismatic, and likable, and definitely not known as mean by any stretch.
8. Let’s be honest, here… Phil Gramm was kind of an ugly dude. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, well… it’s the hair, baby.
That should put this issue to rest permanently.
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