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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
posted by jason | 8:33 AM | permalink

Some of you who follow the Race closely might be aware of a man named Jerry Zandstra. According to Zandstra started Pro-Life Federation of Michigan, a 527 PAC, after a failed bid for state elected office in Michigan. Zandstra is also on Sam Brownback's payroll. As you might now 527's are not supposed to be for or against any specific candidate, but are to be issue oriented groups and can produce things like voter guides and the such.

Zandstra though seems to be straddling a very thin line. This might seem not to be a big deal, but both Zandstra's Brownback work and his 527 are run out of the same office, which would mean sharing of resources and perhaps one entity covering costs for the other (such as lights, heat and rent?) Zandstra has a regular gig as the Brownback's chief Romney attack man as evidenced here.

Zandstra could find himself in some hot water. With the juggernaut you and I call McCain-Feingold, those like Zandstra who operate 527's but yet spend most of their time throwing lightning rods at one specific candidate should really be more careful. I know Brownback is an honest man who has done a lot of great work for the unborn after his 1994 conversion, so I hope that he takes this opportunity to separate himself from someone like Zandstra who may not really reflect the integrity that I think Sam posseses.
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Why is Brownback's entire campaign about telling us how awful Romney is all the issues?
It is not Mitt Romney's fault that Sam Brownback does not have the leadership qualities or stature to be POTUS.

His entire campain is very un-Presidential.

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