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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 4:18 PM | permalink

Yikes... We're not big Rudy bashers here but this is really not a good step for the Mayor.

I really don't know where he stands now.

Last month Rudy adviser Bill Simon assured conservatives this was not the case:

“On the issue of abortion, [Bill] Simon focused on Giuliani’s recent comments on judges. When pressed — what is a pro-lifer like Simon doing flacking for an abortion-rights advocate? — and asked if he had any assurance that Giuliani wouldn’t support taxpayer-funded abortion as president, Simon told National Review Online, ‘I have an assurance that he is in favor of the Hyde amendment’ (which forbids such taxpayer subsidies).” (National Review Online, 3/1/07)

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I can't vote for Giuliani, even in the general elections, if he wants to pay for abortions.

I think Bill Simon is just wrong. I remember that after he made that statement, the Giuliani campaign issued a clarification that Giuliani hadn't actually committed to supporting the Hyde amendment but that promised to respect it as long as it remained law.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 4:32 PM  

Politics is about moving the country in a certain direction (Michael Medved philosophy). Romney has picked up and will carry the pro-life movement on our quest to protect life. If I am to understand correctly, we are to believe that according to Bill Simon, Giuliani will no longer support public funding of abortion. Well, I want a little more. I also have to admit that as a Californian who lived through Gray Davis, the Bill Simon gubernatorial campaign, and the recall, I have little faith in anything Bill Simon says.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 6:55 PM  

Why do people keep calling this guy "conservative?" He is about as good a conservative as he is a Catholic, Husband and father.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 9:05 PM  

Ok, I think it is time to pull off the gloves boys and girls, and label Rudy as the flip-flopper that he is. Where is the DNC when you need them?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 11:24 PM  

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