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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:07 PM | permalink
The Boston Globe and others are reporting Romney’s remarks about Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Syria:
Romney brought up Pelosi's trip twice, both times unprompted.

"Frankly, the decision of Nancy Pelosi to go to meet with Assad in Syria is one which I find outrageous," Romney said, the second time.

Defying Bush, Pelosi, D-Calif., met with the Syrian president Wednesday in an attempt to pressure the Bush administration to open a direct dialogue with the Middle Eastern country. Democrats say the administration's attempts to isolate Syria have failed to force the Assad government to change its policies.
Certainly there will be outcry against Romney for his denouncement of Pelosi and whether this is a politically popular move is yet to be decided, but…

Romney is correct.

The President is the sole foreign policy organ under the constitution. This was understood early on in the history of the nation. In 1816, the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations stated:

The President is the constitutional representative of the United States with regard to foreign nations. He manages our concerns with foreign nations and must necessarily be most competent to determine when, how, and upon what subjects negotiation may be urged with the greatest prospect of success.
(U.S. Senate, Reports, Committee on Foreign Relations, vol. 8, p. 24.). The Supreme Court has reaffirmed this principle by stating that “[i]n this vast external realm, with its important, complicated, delicate and manifold problems, the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation.” (U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright, 299 U.S. 304, 319 (1936); Goldwater v. Carter, 444 U.S. 996 (1979)(concur. J. Powell)). Pelosi’s visit is, thus, patently unconstitutional so long as it conflicts with the President’s foreign policy.

Beyond the constitutional issues, the practical effect of the Pelosi visit is to present the United States as schizophrenic or bi-polar. One day nations are dealing with Bush-America, the next day nations are dealing with Pelosi-America. Neither schizophrenia nor bi-polarism is a healthy state for a person. Similarly neither is a healthy state for a nation. Which one is the one to deal with? Certainly the opposing viewpoints have their preferred representative, but that does little to solve the problem. Indeed it encourages similar behavior from other nations.

So Romney is right. He should be outraged that congressional representatives have acted outside the scope of their power and encouraged disregard for the Constitution itself.

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Just for your information.

I have just joined the MMM team after blogging for some time at Law Students for Romney.

Romney is right, and I hope he continues to speak forcefully regarding our enemies- and those enemies include not only Iran, Syria, a duplicitous Russia and China, but also politicians such as Pelosi who do nothing to make our nation secure, but weaken it with every word they utter.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 2:48 PM  

Welcome Kyle... we're glad to have you here!

Well stated! I am outraged too, and I hope Romney doesn't tone it down anytime soon about running a tight American ship. Pelosi is having delusions of grandeur, someone stop her before she hurts herself. (and our country)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 6:14 PM  

Pelosi's trip is completely infuriating. At least the Senate has to ratify treaties. What does she think she is doing? Who proclaimed her the official representative of the U.S. to Syria? It is absolutely unacceptable and frankly, if a Republican did it during a democrat presidency, I would feel exactly the same way. It is one thing to use a political position such as the speaker of the house to attempt to push U.S. foreign policy in a certain direction by debate, by lobbying, and by public dissemination of information. It is a completely different situation when a congresswoman, elected by a small liberal community in California, takes it upon herself to visit a nation we have no formal diplomatic relations with over the objection of the executive branch. I am glad Romney is calling her on it. Just imagine if we had Nanci pelosi as Speaker with Hillary Clinton as President. How would that be for a confused foreign policy?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2007 at 7:02 PM  

I want to add to my earlier comment that When people like Pelosi "go it alone" when it comes to foreign relations, they also make mistakes.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 5, 2007 at 10:42 AM  

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