Every four years, Republican presidential candidate compete for the support of Cincinnati's Lindner family, because having them on your side can draw millions in campaign contributions.
For the past 20 years or so, you had a leg up on the competition if your name happened to be George Bush -- father or son.
This time around, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is the lucky winner.
Romney's campaign announced Wednesday that S. Craig Lindner, co-president of American Financial Group and CEO of Great American Financial Resources, will be co-chair of Romney's Ohio fundraising effort, along with Ames Travel Service president Nancy Donovan.
Not terribly surprising, since Lindner hosted a fundraising event for Romney at his Indian Hill home earlier this month.
The pater familias, Carl H. Lindner Jr., will serve as the honorary co-chair of the Ohio finance committee and the co-chair of the national finance committee.
Locking down the Lindners is a pretty big score for the Romney campaign, since there are untold numbers of other corporate-types in this part of the world who generally follow the Lindner family's lead when it comes to campaign contributions.
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