posted by jason | 8:33 AM |
Don’t worry I won’t be lifting my shirt here- unless there is money in it.
The other day I was reading Redstate (as I do several times a day) and noticed this
little diddy in the RedHot section. Well I thought it was kind of funny, and worthy of a
short post on MyManMitt.
Little did I know the brouhaha that would result…
A little later
Eye on 08’s Soren Dayton posted this:
People say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I would assume that a moving picture is worth even more. But that does not stop "My Man Mitt" Jason Bonham from dishonestly misquoting one of the YouTubes that I took of John McCain this weekend in New Hampshire…
Just dishonest. Shameful. And this is not the first time...
Well. It didn’t end there, a sort of email battle erupted between Soren and I that only served to strengthen each sides opinion. It definitely did nothing to serve anyone or any cause.
Well apparently Matt Lewis at Townhall took note and
wrote a post in our defense:
In my view, Soren is being too hard on MyManMitt. Yes, technically McCain was misquoted -- but not misrepresented. It is clear that McCain agrees with the courts -- that's why he is quoting them. In my view, this is a matter of semantics (and not worth flaming somebody over).
But that's not the end of it. Soren goes on to add:
Just dishonest. Shameful. And this is not the first time. This is the way the Romney campaign — which MyManMitt (and Evangelicals for Mitt, also liars) is a talking mouth for — behaves.
Among other complaints, Soren also adds that Romney's team "lied about Sam Brownback."
But, as far as I can tell, Romney's team was correct about Brownback when they wrote: "When Brownback was elected to office that is when he also had a conversion and voted with the pro-life movement."
In fact, back in January, I wrote a piece detailing how Sam Brownback was once pro-Choice. My piece is well-sourced, and includes quotes from the former GOP Chairman, as well as the former director of development for Kansans for Life.
Thank you Matt. When I posted it I thought people would watch the short video and see it for what it is, a funny little thing, nothing to think too much about. I really don't think this is anything to deter someone from McCain who already likes him. And I don't think McCain is all bad, actually I think right now he has become my second choice, distant, but still second.
I offered to change the post to Soren’s liking if he was willing to fix
his post that improperly implies James Bopp Jr. is paid by Romney. You see I have emailed several sources to Soren, including an email from Bopp himself, that clearly prove Bopp is an unpaid endorser/advisor. Soren to this day refuses to change his post or acknowledge that contrary information exists.
When he refused to bargain I almost considered putting a picture up of someone mooning the readers for Soren’s readers coming to our site. But I figured that would have been a little too much.
The moral of the story? Hat tip Amanda B. Carpenter next time. And us bloggers need to calm down a little (myself included).
Soren I am sorry, and hope after this we can get on a better footing.
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