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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
posted by jason | 8:33 AM | permalink
Don’t worry I won’t be lifting my shirt here- unless there is money in it.

The other day I was reading Redstate (as I do several times a day) and noticed this little diddy in the RedHot section. Well I thought it was kind of funny, and worthy of a short post on MyManMitt.

Little did I know the brouhaha that would result…

A little later Eye on 08’s Soren Dayton posted this:
People say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I would assume that a moving picture is worth even more. But that does not stop "My Man Mitt" Jason Bonham from dishonestly misquoting one of the YouTubes that I took of John McCain this weekend in New Hampshire…

Just dishonest. Shameful. And this is not the first time...

Well. It didn’t end there, a sort of email battle erupted between Soren and I that only served to strengthen each sides opinion. It definitely did nothing to serve anyone or any cause.

Well apparently Matt Lewis at Townhall took note and wrote a post in our defense:
In my view, Soren is being too hard on MyManMitt. Yes, technically McCain was misquoted -- but not misrepresented. It is clear that McCain agrees with the courts -- that's why he is quoting them. In my view, this is a matter of semantics (and not worth flaming somebody over).

But that's not the end of it. Soren goes on to add:

Just dishonest. Shameful. And this is not the first time. This is the way the Romney campaign — which MyManMitt (and Evangelicals for Mitt, also liars) is a talking mouth for — behaves.

Among other complaints, Soren also adds that Romney's team "lied about Sam Brownback."

But, as far as I can tell, Romney's team was correct about Brownback when they wrote: "When Brownback was elected to office that is when he also had a conversion and voted with the pro-life movement."

In fact, back in January, I wrote a piece detailing how Sam Brownback was once pro-Choice. My piece is well-sourced, and includes quotes from the former GOP Chairman, as well as the former director of development for Kansans for Life.

Thank you Matt. When I posted it I thought people would watch the short video and see it for what it is, a funny little thing, nothing to think too much about. I really don't think this is anything to deter someone from McCain who already likes him. And I don't think McCain is all bad, actually I think right now he has become my second choice, distant, but still second.

I offered to change the post to Soren’s liking if he was willing to fix his post that improperly implies James Bopp Jr. is paid by Romney. You see I have emailed several sources to Soren, including an email from Bopp himself, that clearly prove Bopp is an unpaid endorser/advisor. Soren to this day refuses to change his post or acknowledge that contrary information exists.

When he refused to bargain I almost considered putting a picture up of someone mooning the readers for Soren’s readers coming to our site. But I figured that would have been a little too much.

The moral of the story? Hat tip Amanda B. Carpenter next time. And us bloggers need to calm down a little (myself included).

Soren I am sorry, and hope after this we can get on a better footing.
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All of this seems like a big distraction from the fact that McCain thinks people who believe strongly about something enough to spend a lot of money on it shouldn't be allowed to. As a libertarian when it comes to the war of ideas, I find this paternalism highly objectionable in whatever form the restrictions take.

In fact, I want people who believe in something strongly to be able to put money into it because I think it helps to ensure we place the proper value on their preferences; whether candidates or positions. For example, if two people are spending money on the issue of a marriage amendment, and the one against it spends four times as much as the one for the amendment, I think it helps us to know how strongly the opponent feels about the issue. Even if we all reject that position and supoprt the amendment, at least that person gets their fair shot to try and convince us of the superiority of their position.

Of course, I am assuming that people can sort through the amount of material coming at them and make decisions based on the content. But I prefer my confidence in the American people to confidence in the pollies.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 28, 2007 at 3:54 PM  

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