posted by Justin Hart | 9:38 AM |
It is a fast and furious task to keep up the campaigns as the primary engines churn and the full-court press for good people, good donations, and good endorsements heats up.
Big stories with this update:
John McCain takes the slight edge on congressional endorsements,
Mitt Romney holds his lead on state specific and current/former elected officials. But
Rudy is an enigma to me. My sources tell me his financing is going swimmingly but the local organizations are either still maturing or just not public. Granted he seems a bit late to the game.
If you have any updates in this regard please pass them on.
The following chart includes federal, state or local current or former elected officials
The following chart includes state specific leaders, including former or current local officials, party officials, and state activists.
The following chart includes members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate
The following chart includes all previous categories including finance-specific endorsements, other activists, and RNC members.

Labels: charts, endoresements, Endorse, graphs, state specific
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