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Friday, January 5, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 2:51 PM | permalink

Governor Mitt Romney is a flip-floper?

Reasons to agree

  1. Romney changed his position on abortion .
  2. Romney changed his position on gay marriage .

Reasons to disagree
  1. It is not bad to change your position , or change it back. Being called a flip-floper emplies that a politician is lying. There is no evidence that Mitt Romney lies. In fact there is a lot of evidence that he tells the truth, and keeps his commitments.
  2. You have to say what positions he has changed, in order to make that assertion. So see my responses (above) to the only two examples I have ever seen, as examples of his flip-floppery.
  3. Governor Mitt Romney does not like flip-flopperyness, and has spoken against it.
  4. A flip is changing your position. A flip-flop is changing your position, and changing it back. The only example I have ever heard of a Romney's flip-floping was his so-called change on Abortion. So changing your position once, would make Romney a fliper, not a flip-flopper.

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Please don't tell me Romney did not flip flop on Abortion, I'm trying something different with having reasons to agree and disagree with each idea... you will people say that Romney has flip flopped, if you click on that idea on this post, you can see reasons to agree and disagree...

Tell me if this is stupid or not... I like keeping it in outline form, so we can always update it, as we continually examin the issue...

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