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Friday, January 5, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 2:35 PM | permalink
Hugh Hewitt had a great interview with Mark Steyn last night in which he said:

Well, there's Newt Gingrich, who everybody says, and I think they're right, has been making terrific speeches on terror. He gave a terrific appearance in New Hampshire, in which he called, he said that those six imams in Minneapolis causing the trouble on the plane should actually have been arrested. He's absolutely terrific, but he carries way too much personal baggage. And all four of these candidates, I think, are defective in some ways. Mitt Romney I like, but in many ways, because I think his kind of Mormonism is the least problematic baggage of the major candidates.

Not a ringing endorsement but absolutely true at this point in time.

Of course, McCain can just keep the love coming as he steps in it again and again. Take this quote for example: "I think the fence is least effective. But I'll build the goddamned fence if they want it."

Just keep it coming Senator!

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The other line I missed reading this article yesterday was the line stating that Colorado Governor Bill Owens Endorsed Romney.

Outgoing Colorado Governor Bill Owens then appeared and bluntly announced that he is for Romney, the sort of early declaration I hadn't expected. A transcript of that will be up later.

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