posted by Anonymous | 12:20 AM |
I submitted the following letter in the comments section of
Tom Tancredo's Official Blog and also emailed it to his info address.
Dear Tom-
I have always been a fan and I wanted to share a thought with you generally about Mitt Romney. I think you and Romney are alligned in more ways than not. Of the candidates, Romney is probably most aligned with you on immigration issues. Plus, Romney is willing to stand up and take on people who want our country to have open borders or who simply want to provide incentives for people to immigrate here illegally.
In light of this, I respectfully suggest that you should consider endorsing Romney. You are a great asset to our nation and I know that no matter the outcome of this nomination process, you will continue to be a voice for change in America. Your greatest strengths come from your activism, which we will always, hopefully have. Romney's greatest strengths come from his executive experience, which we could use in the White House. Hopefully, we can enjoy both of you working together to solve our immigration problems.
At the debate in Iowa a few days ago, you called out Governor Huckabee over his past views on illegal immigration. You are absolutely right and Romney has been highlighting the same problems with Huckabee's past policy positions on illegal immigration. But Romney is being chalenged in Iowa right now by Huckabee. Romney needs all the support he can get. You could really help him out.
Now, I am just an independant blogger with no connection to the Romney campaign. But, it seems to me that you could really do our country a service by helping out another Republican who believes in securing our borders, that we shouldn't have incentives for people to come here illegally, and we shouldn't give people who are here already any benefit for coming here illegally.
Respecfully Submitted,
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