posted by jason | 6:58 AM |
McCain seems to be literally obsessed with Romney. I guess it's that whole dying gasp thing. First he was going to open, then he was thinking about it, now it's definitely off the table. Now he is in Massachusetts
taking pot shots at Romney, all the while sinking himself into presidential obscurity:
BOSTON - Sen. John McCain said Monday he hopes to take advantage of former Gov. Mitt Romney's sagging support at home and lead a resurgence of the Republican Party in the northeast during the 2008 presidential campaign.
``One of the Republican Party's problems right now is we're not doing as well as we should in the northeastern part of America, and I intend to work very hard to gain their support and their votes,'' the Arizona Republican said during a stop at the Taj Boston hotel for a fundraiser.
Has anyone told McCain about his local party in Arizona and their thoughts on him?
McCain was flanked by Former Acting Governor Jane Swift (emphasis on acting.) Jane offered some underhanded criticism of Romney as well:
``I think that John McCain is a man of integrity who has certain positions that he is not willing to change for political expediency,'' said Swift.
You might remember Mrs. Swift as the fine Republican Governor who the local GOP loved so much they decided to look for another governor. Romney is why she has no job. From what I understand this is the same reason Utah Governor John Huntsman joined McCain as well, he was hoping to be the Salt Lake Olympics CEO. Didn't quite happen.
So what do you get when you stack a candidate with supporters who are continually getting snubbed over for Romney?
What do you get when you have a candidate who is more concerned about serving the Nation then tearing down his competitors?
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