posted by Jon | 8:02 AM |
Sometimes you just need to call a spade a spade. Over at
B4M I’ve made it a point to have a lot of fun at Damien LaVera’s expense. He’s Howlin’ Mad Howie Dean’s Head Mitt Hit Man – which means he’s tasked with writing press releases every few days where he takes pot shots at “Smooth Talking Mitt”. For some odd reason, the irony of a DNC staffer deriding anyone as a Smooth Talker (in the wake of Slick Willy) has yet to dawn on LaVera. Add to that the fact he continuously quotes himself – probably only to increase his Google rating - and you end up with a really comical press release.
Well, today LaVera crossed a line. Evidently he thinks if you repeat a lie enough times it will be believed as the truth. Last December, the Boston Globe’s
Jonathan Saltzman, Maria Cramer, and Connie Page wrote a story with the headline “Illegal Immigrants toiled for governor” – insinuating that then Governor Romney hired illegal immigrants to landscape his Belmont property.
There’s only one problem with the story. Governor Romney didn’t hire the Guatemalans - they worked for the landscaping company he hired. The company’s owner was, in fact, a legal immigrant. Governor Romney wasn’t required by any law or policy to enquire or verify the immigration status of the landscaping company’s workers. The Boston Globe’s story was based on a false premise and fueled by a false headline. Said story has long since been debunked.
Damien LaVera didn’t get that memo and probably ignored the facts surrounding this non-story altogether. Truth and other factual information mean little to him because that kind of thing doesn’t make for good press copy. Today LaVera released the
following statement about Governor Romney:
…Romney himself employed undocumented workers at his own home in Massachusetts as recently as December.
This statement, taken from the first paragraph of LaVera’s self aggrandizing press release is an outright bold faced
lie. Governor Romney did not employ the “undocumented workers”. He did not interview them, he did not directly pay them. The most contact he had with them was the occasional “Buenos Dias”. Unless you consider the occasional glass of water from Ann to be a direct payment, LaVera’s statement leaks credibility like a sieve.
Facts are stubborn things. The fact of the matter is, of the current crop of presidential contenders, Governor Romney is the only one who actually
did something on the issue of
illegal immigration. You’ll notice that article wasn’t cited in LaVera’s hit piece.
Damien LaVera’s job is to tarnish Mitt as much as possible. His job is an unenviable one because there is so little for him to work with that he must rely on lies, half-truths, and ad-hominem attacks to fill his daily press quota.
I’m sorry, Damien. Your cheap shot press release comes across a little more than a lie, and a pathetic one at that. Try harder next time.
Labels: Damien LaVera, Immigration, press release, Rebuttal
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