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Monday, April 2, 2007
posted by jason | 8:58 AM | permalink
And the Grand Total is...

23 million!!!

Truly a great number for Romney when you consider his place in the polls- 3rd and 4th place depending on what state and what poll. Remember this number only counts primary fundraising where other candidates are counting both primary and general. Despite the many problems of McCain-Fiengold, with the reduced contribution amount the argument can be made that Romney has clear ground support and a strong infrastructure to the campaign that will continue to yield great results.

With these strong numbers I would look forward to another good quarter of fundraising with his poll numbers slowly inching up as they have been for the last few months. Somewhere around Midsummer to early fall Team Mitt's ground game will be come a huge force to be reckoned with.

For now we celebrate a strong 1Q showing!!


Romney’s original goal was 15 million. They had an average contribution of $608.

***Update 2***

$23 million in total receipts… raised $20.63 million in primary contributions…
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This is no doubt more than Hillary raised (given that she is counting General election contributions)... quite a feat!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2007 at 10:11 AM  

Very Nice! Right there with the best of them.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2007 at 10:32 AM  

This is great. I think in a way candidates follow the product adoption curve: innovators, early adopters, late adopters, laggards.

When people see that Romney has wide spread support, they will be more willing to 1) investigate him, and 2) contribute to his bona fide campaign.

I finished Hugh Hewitt's book this weekend. it was a fine read, but I finished it with more anxiety over "the question" than before. Somehow the campaign needs to make the question taboo for the MSM to continue to discuss.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2007 at 11:15 AM  

Very encouraging indeed! And this really is only the beginning. With 'Students for Mitt' working hard all summer, I wouldn't be surprised to see an even better number for 2Q.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2007 at 11:49 AM  

While I think Mitt should address the "Question". He shouldn't try to address everything and he shouldn't bully. Look at what Orrin Hatch did in Iowa when he met the problem and it torched him. Basically, in regard to "the Question", he will never be able to answer it completely for some conservatives.

I am in the camp of thought that when he gives his religion speech he should announce he will select a running mate in synch with Southern Values. So on one hand, Mitt doesn't answer the "Question" for some conservatives, but on the other hand, he gives them an opening to still vote for him because his running mate will represent creedal Christian beliefs.

One winning aspect of politics is to make it about the voters, not just about yourself.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2007 at 12:29 PM  

See Mitt run. RUN, MITT, RUN!

the big item here is: that this country is being split apart. on one side we have the people who are daily given only information that the liberal establishment promotes to brodd
.3en this chazm. on the other are those that are sympathisers to the one world order and to the distruction of the base, or better said the middle class that this country was built on. the end course: if we do not come together as a free and intellegent society, our country will go the way of rome, sparta, and all the other human societys that forgot that we must serve the interests of our nation thru the efforts we take during our daily lives. and that the honesty, in which was the rock that this country was based on,is still promoted thru our lives. for the liberal mantle that you can do any thing as long as it feels good and right for me, is the knife that is taking the life out of our great see its simply put; our forefathers prayed to god for guidance, today we rely on the the bottom line for that same guidance.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 7, 2007 at 2:31 PM  

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